Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Scholarship & Service

What does scholarship mean to me??

Well, i guess that scholarship is the acquiring of a higher level of knowledge. One can also say that a person needs to fare better than most others either academically, or in other areas. I must say that if one manages to attain a scholarship, he/she should feel privileged since it is really quite a rare opportunity. Similarly, scholarship can also mean awards given to a specific person because of his excellent accomplishment in certain areas.

What responsibilities does a scholar have?

I believe that a scholar has the responsibility of passing on his/her knowledge onto the younger generations so that they too, would be able to serve the country, nation or even the world when they go out to work in the society when they grow up. Since knowledge must be placed in your head before you can put it to good use, scholars must also seek new knowledge in case they are of use someday.

What are some of the obstacles that a scholar might face?

Since scholars are expected to fare better than most of the others, people around them must have high standards of expectations of them. This in turn, leads to pressuring the scholar because they might feel responsible for the disappointment they caused others to feel when they, themselves, fail to meet the crowd's requirements. To some scholars, this might be a great handicap because they would have lost faith in themselves. With no faith, how can anyone be able to perform at his/her best?

A scholar might also be criticised for their new concepts and ideas which may otherwise differ from the others. This might cause them to be afraid to speak up and propose different theories on certain things.

Is scholar a leader? How so?

Yes, i feel that a scholar is a leader. A leader is someone that represents a group of people. He is of great importance as he/she is the one that gives commands to the people on what to do which is usually beneficial to the group. In order to be a leader, one has to be the strongest in the group in terms of responsibility, intelligence (et cetera), and i greatly believe that a scholar has what it takes to be a leader.

Who and how do i intend to serve as a scholar?

Being a scholar, i intend to serve my country, nation and the world. (if it is even plausible) I would give the best i have got in order to attain outstanding results and do my school, my country and of course, my parents proud. There can never be an end towards learning and i would also like to achieve things that have never been accomplished before so that i would be able to share this new knowledge with the world. And yes, being selfless and sharing my knowledge with other people is also vital because it would be a great loss if a valuable knowledge to mankind is forgotten, am i right? Ultimately, i want to be able to prove myself useful and benefit mankind.

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